CORE K9 proudly partners with Catering by Cordre, transforming surplus ingredients into wholesome, gently cooked dog food. With a commitment to sustainability and quality, we repurpose locally sourced food from Cordre's culinary expertise, crafting nourishing meals for your beloved pets. Together, we redefine pet nutrition, ensuring every bite reflects our dedication to freshness, responsibility, and canine well-being.



  • Protein is the 1st ingredient
  • All Recipes Reviewed and Certified by a Veterinary Nutritionalist
  • Cooked at Very Low Temperatures to Maintain Higher Nutritional Quality
  • All Recipes Include Fish Oil, No Fillers or Additives
  • Better Palatability and Digestibility
  • Better Poops
  • Healthier Weight
  • Shinier Fur
  • More Energy


Welcome to CORE K9 Gently Cooked Dog Food, where our passion for healthy, happy pets transforms into every meal we create. I'm Felicia Cordray, co-founder of CORE K9, and this is our story.

Born and raised in Lexington, KY, I embarked on a new chapter of my life in 2005 when I moved to Charlotte, NC, with my husband and business partner, Manuel Cordray. This year, 2024, we celebrated 25 years of marriage, a journey filled with love, growth, and shared dreams. We're blessed with three wonderful children, Manneja (28), LaMiah (24), and Manuel II (19), and three joyful furbabies, Laila (5), Lexi (4), and Reddy (1), who fill our home with endless laughter and love.

Our entrepreneurial spirit led us to establish Catering by Cordre in August 2015, a testament to our commitment to excellence and passion for bringing people together through food. This same passion extends to every member of our family, including the four-legged ones. Dogs have always been a central part of our lives, teaching us about unconditional love and the simple joys of everyday moments.

The loss of our beloved Cane Corso, Duchess, to lung cancer in 2018 was a turning point for us. The pain of saying goodbye to her was not only devastating but also a wake-up call about the impact of diet on our pets' health. In the silence of her absence, our home felt incomplete, leading us to welcome Laila, and eventually Lexi and Reddy, into our lives. With our family once again complete, we pledged to ensure a healthier future for them.

Driven by our love for our dogs and a determination to provide them with the best life possible, we embarked on a journey to create a healthier diet. After extensive research and consultations with veterinarians, we were inspired to develop CORE K9 Gently Cooked Dog Food. Our goal was clear: to craft a meal option that was not only minimally processed but also rich in nutrients to promote a longer, healthier life for our furry family members.

CORE K9 is more than just dog foodโ€”it's a promise. A promise to treat your pets as our own, providing them with meals that are safe, nutritious, and delicious. From our family to yours, we share this labor of love, born from a desire to see our pets thrive, not just survive.

Thank you for choosing CORE K9 Gently Cooked Dog Food. Together, we can ensure our pets enjoy every moment of their lives with vitality and joy.

Warmest regards,

Felicia Cordray

Co-Founder, CORE K9 Gently Cooked Dog Food